Joshua Jackson - Personal Life

Personal Life

Jackson has been in a relationship with actress Diane Kruger since 2006 with whom he shares residences in Paris and Vancouver. He also owns his childhood home in Topanga, California. Previously he lived in Wilmington, North Carolina, where the television program Dawson's Creek was filmed; and in New York, where Fringe filmed its first season. In 2009, he moved back to Vancouver for the shooting of the second season of Fringe.

Jackson was arrested on November 9, 2002 at a Carolina Hurricanes ice hockey game in Raleigh, North Carolina after a quarrel with a security guard. He was charged with assault affray and being intoxicated and disruptive, having 0.14 blood-alcohol content. Prosecutors agreed to dismiss the assault charge, and Jackson agreed to attend an alcohol education program and perform 24 hours of community service in order to have the remaining charge dropped.

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