Kak - Language


  • Kak or Kek is a Kurdish honorific used before a person's name (male); the equivalent of Sir.

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Famous quotes containing the word language:

    An art whose medium is language will always show a high degree of critical creativeness, for speech is itself a critique of life: it names, it characterizes, it passes judgment, in that it creates.
    Thomas Mann (1875–1955)

    Neither Aristotelian nor Russellian rules give the exact logic of any expression of ordinary language; for ordinary language has no exact logic.
    Sir Peter Frederick Strawson (b. 1919)

    A president, however, must stand somewhat apart, as all great presidents have known instinctively. Then the language which has the power to survive its own utterance is the most likely to move those to whom it is immediately spoken.
    J.R. Pole (b. 1922)