Lakeview Centennial High School

Lakeview Centennial High School is a public secondary school located in Garland, Texas (USA). Lakeview Centennial High School enrolls students in grades 9–12 and is a part of the Garland Independent School District.

In 2011, the school was rated "academically acceptable" by the Texas Education Agency.

Read more about Lakeview Centennial High School:  History, College and Career Magnet, Collegiate Academy, Law and Criminal Justice, Television Production, AVID, Future Teacher Internship, Business and Marketing, Classical Center, Dual Credit, Notable Alumni

Famous quotes containing the words high school, high and/or school:

    There were metal detectors on the staff-room doors and Hernandez usually had a drawer full of push-daggers, nunchuks, stun-guns, knucks, boot-knives, and whatever else the detectors had picked up. Like Friday morning at a South Miami high school.
    William Gibson (b. 1948)

    If I must choose which I would elevate
    The people or the already lofty mountains,
    I’d elevate the already lofty mountains.
    The only fault I find with old New Hampshire
    Is that her mountains aren’t quite high enough.
    Robert Frost (1874–1963)

    It is not that the Englishman can’t feel—it is that he is afraid to feel. He has been taught at his public school that feeling is bad form. He must not express great joy or sorrow, or even open his mouth too wide when he talks—his pipe might fall out if he did.
    —E.M. (Edward Morgan)