Laurel Forest - Setting


Laurel forests are specific to wet forest from sea level to the highest mountains, but are poorly represented in areas with a pronounced dry season. They need an ecosystem of high humidity, type cloud forests. The Laurel forest are present about tropical or subtropical mountains, where the moisture from the ocean condenses so that it falls as rain or fog. Some evergreen tree species will survive short frosts, but most species will not survive hard freezes and prolonged cool weather. They need an annual oscillation of the temperature moderated by the proximity of the ocean. The soil needs to constantly wet. The annual temperature variation for this climate regime is mild, including winter frost, there is no defined dry season and rainfall is abundantly well-distributed throughout the year. These particular conditions occur in four different geographical regions:

  • Along the eastern margin of continents at latitudes of 25° to 35°.
  • Along the western continental coasts between 40° and 55° latitude.
  • On islands between 25° and 35° or 40° latitude.
  • In humid montane regions of the tropics.

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