List of Chess Players - Famous People Connected With Chess

Famous People Connected With Chess

The people in this list are famous in other areas of activity, but are known to have played chess, or have declared an interest in the game, or created works of art and literature in which the game is prominently featured.

  • Alfonso X of Castile (the Wise)
  • Sholem Aleichem
  • Woody Allen
  • Atahualpa
  • George Airy
  • Martin Amis
  • Konrad von Ammenhausen
  • LaVar Arrington
  • Isaac Asimov
  • Szymon Askenazy
  • Augustus the Younger, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg
  • Newell Banks (USA, World American Checkers (English Draughts) Champion 1887–1977)
  • Menachem Begin
  • Clare Benedict
  • Móric Beňovský
  • Ingmar Bergman
  • Humphrey Bogart
  • Napoleon Bonaparte (Emperor of the French)
  • Bono
  • Franz Brentano
  • Zbigniew Brzezinski
  • Henry Thomas Buckle (English historian)
  • Tony Buzan
  • John Cage
  • Canute the Great (King of England, Denmark and Norway)
  • Gerolamo Cardano
  • Roberto Carnevale
  • Ludovico Carracci
  • Lewis Carroll
  • Fidel Castro
  • Miguel de Cervantes
  • Jacobus de Cessolis
  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Charlemagne
  • Charles XII of Sweden
  • Aldo Clementi
  • Joseph Conrad
  • Aleister Crowley (occultist)
  • Steve Davis
  • Eugène Delacroix
  • Anurag Dikshit
  • Gustave Doré
  • Marcel Duchamp
  • Albert Einstein
  • Arpad Elo
  • Paul Erdős
  • Leonhard Euler
  • Abraham ibn Ezra
  • Richard Farleigh
  • Richard Feynman
  • Hans Frank
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Stephen Fry
  • Jeremy Gaige
  • Carl Friedrich Gauss
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe
  • Witold Gombrowicz
  • Richard K. Guy
  • GZA (American hip hop artist)
  • Yehuda Halevi
  • Dominik Hašek
  • Sefer Hasidim
  • David Hume
  • Pope Innocent III
  • Karol Irzykowski
  • Moses Isserles
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Pope John Paul II
  • Mór Jókai
  • Franz Kafka
  • Carmen Kass
  • Wolfgang von Kempelen
  • Omar Khayyám
  • Ephraim Kishon (satirist, Kishon Chesster chess computer)
  • Alfred Kreymborg
  • Stanley Kubrick
  • Edmund Landau
  • Yosef Lapid
  • Adrien-Marie Legendre
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • Stanisław Lem
  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
  • Pope Leo XIII
  • Lennox Lewis
  • Samuel Loyd
  • Madonna
  • Maimonides (Rambam)
  • Steve Martin
  • Karl Marx
  • Henri Matisse
  • Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier
  • Dmitri Mendeleev
  • Moses Mendelssohn
  • Adam Mickiewicz
  • Abraham de Moivre
  • Patrick Moore
  • Vladimir Nabokov
  • John von Neumann
  • Jose Ortega y Gasset
  • Grigori Perelman
  • Józef Piłsudski
  • Grigori Alexandrovich Potemkin
  • Sergei Prokofiev
  • Alexander Pushkin
  • Rashi
  • Rembrandt
  • Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu
  • Albert Salomon von Rothschild
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Bertrand Russell
  • Rza
  • Saladin
  • Jonathan Sarfati (Australian scientist and author)
  • George C. Scott (U.S. actor)
  • Nathan Sharansky
  • Raymond Smullyan
  • Juan Maria Solare (Argentine composer & pianist)
  • Howard Stern
  • Sting
  • Theresa of Avila (the patron saint of chess players)
  • Josip Broz Tito
  • Leo Tolstoy
  • Roland Topor
  • Alan Turing
  • Queen Victoria
  • Marco Girolamo Vida
  • Jacques Villon
  • George Washington
  • John Wayne
  • H. G. Wells
  • Charles Wreford-Brown
  • Wu Tang Clan
  • Stefan Zweig

Read more about this topic:  List Of Chess Players

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