Liverpool Blue Coat School - Uniform - Ties


The school is also known for its wide variety of school ties, the most common of which is the royal blue tie with an embroidered school crest. Others include:

  • The Prefect tie, a navy blue tie with alternating blue and gold stripes, worn only by prefects of the school;
  • The Sports tie, a navy blue tie with gold school crests criss-crossing it, worn by those pupils in the first XI or by those who have made a significant sporting contribution to the school;
  • The Old Blues tie, a navy blue tie with alternating squirrels (the school's emblem) and blue stripes, worn by those in Year 11 and onwards who have been in the school since they started in Year 7; and
  • The rarely-seen Tricentenary tie, a navy blue tie with alternating sections of three gold stripes, which was given to students in 2008 in recognition of the school's tricentenary.

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