Classification | Machine(s) | |
Simple machines | Inclined plane, Wheel and axle, Lever, Pulley, Wedge, Screw | |
Mechanical components | Axle, Bearings, Belts, Bucket, Fastener, Gear, Key, Link chains, Rack and pinion, Roller chains, Rope, Seals, Spring, Wheel | |
Clock | Atomic clock, Chronometer, Pendulum clock, Quartz clock | |
Compressors and Pumps | Archimedes' screw, Eductor-jet pump, Hydraulic ram, Pump, Trompe, Vacuum pump | |
Heat engines | External combustion engines | Steam engine, Stirling engine |
Internal combustion engines | Reciprocating engine, Gas turbine | |
Heat pumps | Absorption refrigerator, Thermoelectric refrigerator, Regenerative cooling | |
Linkages | Pantograph, Cam, Peaucellier-Lipkin | |
Turbine | Gas turbine, Jet engine, Steam turbine, Water turbine, Wind generator, Windmill | |
Aerofoil | Sail, Wing, Rudder, Flap, Propeller | |
Electronic devices | Vacuum tube, Transistor, Diode, Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, Memristor, Semiconductor, Computer | |
Robots | Actuator, Servo, Servomechanism, Stepper motor, Computer | |
Miscellaneous | Vending machine, Wind tunnel, Check weighing machines, Riveting machines |
Read more about this topic: Machine
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