Manned Orbiting Laboratory - History - MOL Astronauts

MOL Astronauts

  • MOL Group 1 - November 1965
    • Michael J. Adams (Air Force) (killed on X-15 flight, November 15, 1967)
    • Albert H. Crews Jr. (Air Force)
    • John L. Finley (Navy)
    • Richard E. Lawyer (Air Force)
    • Lachlan Macleay (Air Force)
    • Francis G. Neubeck (Air Force)
    • James M. Taylor (Air Force)
    • Richard H. Truly (Navy) (pilot: Space Shuttle Enterprise ALT #2, STS-2; commander: STS-8) (Administrator: NASA)
  • MOL Group 2 - June 1966
    • Karol J. Bobko (Air Force) (pilot: STS-6; commander: STS-51-D. STS-51-J)
    • Robert L. Crippen (Navy) (pilot:STS-1; commander: STS-7, STS-41C, STS-41G) (Director: Kennedy Space Center)
    • C. Gordon Fullerton (Air Force) (pilot: Space Shuttle Enterprise ALT #1, STS-3; commander: STS-51-F)
    • Henry W. Hartsfield, Jr. (Air Force) (pilot: STS-4; commander: STS-41-D, STS-61-A) (Director: Human Exploration and Development of Space Independent Assurance)
    • Robert F. Overmyer (Marine Corps) (pilot: STS-5; commander: STS-51-B)
  • MOL Group 3 - June 1967
    • James A. Abrahamson (Air Force) (Director: Strategic Defense Initiative)
    • Robert T. Herres (Air Force) (Vice Chairman: Joint Chiefs of Staff)
    • Robert H. Lawrence, Jr. (Air Force) (killed in training accident, December 1967)
    • Donald H. Peterson (Air Force) (mission specialist: STS-6)

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    Just opening up the door, having this ordinary person fly, says a lot for the future. You can always equate astronauts with explorers who were subsidized. Now you are getting someone going just to observe. And then you’ll have the settlers.
    Christa McAuliffe (1948–1986)