Mark Bavaro - Personal Life

Personal Life

Bavaro married Susan Downes in 1987. They have three children. His wife attended Seton Hall Law School for one year, but later transferred to Harvard Law School, where she achieved a degree in Law, and is currently a teacher of World History and Law at St. John's Preparatory School. After his retirement they lived in Naples, Florida for three years. They currently reside in Boxford, Massachusetts, near Bavaro's hometown of Danvers. After his playing career, Bavaro worked as a sales trader for an equity block-trading firm, where he traded large blocks of stocks for institutions and hedge funds. He pursued a career in this field at the suggestion of his former Giants teammate Phil McConkey, who worked for the same company as Bavaro. In 2007, Bavaro was appointed Vice President of DesignCentrix, a premiere Chicago exhibit house. Bavaro is also an avid golfer who considers the sport his favorite pastime.

Throughout his life Bavaro has displayed a humble, low-key, blue collar personality. During the 1986 season, when he emerged as a Pro Bowler, The New York Times columnist Frank Litsky described him by saying, "e is a man of few words, even with teammates. Although he earned $90,000 plus an $85,000 signing bonus last year and will make $125,000 plus incentives this year, he lives a Spartan life. He drives a Chevrolet. His everyday wardrobe features jeans and sneakers. He is humble to a fault." Bavaro is also a pro-life activist and was one of 503 people arrested during a pro-life rally in 1988. During his NFL career and since his retirement Bavaro has done work as a member of the LifeAthletes organization which promotes abstinence; Bavaro was vice chairman of the group during his playing career. He has also recently befriended and followed the career of Denver Broncos tight end Daniel Graham who idolized Bavaro as a child. Mark's younger brother David also played football professionally as a linebacker for four NFL teams over the course of four seasons.

In 2008, Bavaro published his first novel, Rough & Tumble (ISBN 978-0-312-37574-4).

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