Market Share - Construction


"Market share: The percentage of a market accounted for by a specific entity."

"Unit market share: The units sold by a particular company as a percentage of total market sales, measured in the same units."

Unit market share (%) = 100 * Unit sales (#) / Total Market Unit Sales (#)

"This formula, of course, can be rearranged to derive either unit sales or total market unit sales from the other two variables, as illustrated in the following:"

Unit sales (#) = Unit market share (%) * Total Market Unit Sales (#) / 100
Total Market Unit Sales (#) = 100 * Unit sales (#) / Unit market share (%)

"Revenue market share: Revenue market share differs from unit market share in that it reflects the prices at which goods are sold. In fact, a relatively simple way to calculate relative price is to divide revenue market share by unit market share."

Revenue market share (%) = 100 * Sales Revenue ($) / Total Market Sales Revenue($)

"As with the unit market share, this equation for revenue market share can be rearranged to calculate either sales revenue or total market sales revenue from the other two variables."

Read more about this topic:  Market Share

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