Mass Market Paperback

Famous quotes containing the words mass, market and/or paperback:

    May they rest in peace.
    [Requiescant in pace.]
    Missal, The. Order of Mass for the Dead.

    The Missal is book of prayers and rites used to celebrate the Roman Catholic mass during the year.

    It is a sign of our times, conspicuous to the coarsest observer, that many intelligent and religious persons withdraw themselves from the common labors and competitions of the market and the caucus, and betake themselves to a certain solitary and critical way of living, from which no solid fruit has yet appeared to justify their separation.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)

    I’ve come to think of Europe as a hardcover book, America as the paperback version.
    Don Delillo (b. 1926)