Under the leadership of Mickey Cogwell, the Mickey Cobras began as the "Cobra Stones" and were an official branch of the Black P. Stones Nation (BPSN) from 1961 until 1977. Cogwell was a founding member of the "Main 21" and was therefore a leader within the BPSN. He was later convicted in 1972 for defrauding the federal government grant of $927,000 from the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity. After a falling out, the leader of the BPSN, Jeff Fort had Mickey Cogwell killed on February 25, 1977. At this point the gang became a separate entity that is today known as the Mickey Cobras gang.
At the time of his death, Cogwell had been working as an organizer for a southside union. In 1970, the commander of the Gang Intelligence Unit for the Chicago Police Department portrayed Cogwell as the link between gangs and organized crime, particularly the Chicago Outfit. The Mickey Cobras exist in areas of the southside that compete for membership with the BPSN, particularly in the area around Fuller Park. They also controlled a segment of the Robert Taylor Homes housing project called "The Hole" until the buildings were demolished and the Cobra drug lines forced out into the street. Despite similar origins and affiliations, no one could say that just because both the BPSN and the Mickey Cobras today are affiliated with the People Nation that they are in any sense cooperative or friendly towards each other. They also have a small presence in Detroit, Michigan and Toronto, Ontario.
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