Mies - History


It is thought that the name Mies comes from its location of half way ("mi-") between Geneva and Nyon, or maybe because it is half way between Versoix and Coppet. Remains of settlements have been found all the way back to the Bronze Age, but the first documentary reference to Mies was in 1345 under the name Miez. Later on, additional ways of writing the village appeared: Miez, Mier, Myez, Myer, Myes and only in 1912 Mies. With the conquest of the Canton de Vaud (Waadt, in German) by Bern in the year 1536, the village came under the administration of the district of Nyon. Mies thus became Switzerland's border village - with France - from 1536 until the creation of the Canton of Geneva in 1815.

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