Military of Monaco

Military Of Monaco

The Principality of Monaco, which is the world's second smallest nation (after the Vatican City State), has a very limited military capability, and would depend entirely upon its larger neighbour, France, for defence in the face of an aggressive world power. All together there are 255 soldiers serving in Monaco's military (not including civilian employees who currently number 35 total), making its military the third smallest in the world (after Antigua and Barbuda and Iceland).

Read more about Military Of Monaco:  Department of The Interior, Border Patrol & Patrol Boats, Military and Civil Defence, Rank and Insignia

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    Herman Melville (1819–1891)

    If there is anything so romantic as that castle-palace-fortress of Monaco I have not seen it. If there is anything more delicious than the lovely terraces and villas of Monte Carlo I do not wish to see them. There is nothing beyond the semi-tropical vegetation, the projecting promontories into the Mediterranean, the all-embracing sweep of the ocean, the olive groves, and the enchanting climate! One gets tired of the word beautiful.
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