Mons - Main Sights

Main Sights

  • The Grand Place is the centre of the historic town and the stage for the annual mock-battle of the Lumeçon.
  • The City Hall, originally built near the current location of the belfry, was moved on the Grand Place in the 13th century. The flamboyant gothic building we see today dates from the 15th century. In front of it stands a statue of a monkey, which is said to bring good fortune to those who pat his head.
  • The collegiate church of Sainte-Waudru (Waltrude) is paradoxically a good specimen of the Gothic architecture of Brabant.
  • The neighbouring belfry, classified as a World Heritage Site, dates from the 17th century and is the only Baroque-style belfry in Belgium.
  • The so-called Spanish House dates from the 16th century.

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