Moot may refer to:
- from Moot as an Old English language (Anglo-Saxon) term for meeting
- Folkmoot
- Jamtamót, the old assembly of Jämtland
- Witenagemot, the High Council of Anglo-Saxon England
- Moot hall, a meeting or assembly building, traditionally to decide local issues
- Moot hill, a hill or mound historically used as an assembly or meeting place
- World Scout Moot, a gathering of older Scouts, mainly Rover Scouts, ages 18–26 from all over the world
- Entmoot, a gathering of Ents in The Lord of the Rings
- MoodleMoot, a gathering or conference relating to the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment
- Mootness, in American law: a point in a case is said to be moot when it has been made irrelevant, and therefore does not need to be considered further
- Moot court, an activity in many law schools where participants take part in simulated court proceedings
- moot, the pseudonym for Christopher Poole, founder of the anonymous imageboard
Famous quotes containing the word moot:
“It is moot whether there be divinities
As I finish this play by Webster:
The street-cars are still running however
And the katharsis fades in the warm water of a yawn.”
—Allen Tate (1899–1979)
“For I am shave as neigh as any frere.
But yit I praye unto youre curteisye:
Beeth hevy again, or elles moot I die.”
—Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?–1400)