National Defence Medical Centre

The National Defence Medical Centre(NDMC) was the national and largest hospital of the Canadian Forces in Ottawa, Canada. It served the needs of the members of the military. Constructed in 1961, it was closed in the 1990s due to budget cutbacks in National Defence and Veterans' Affairs Canada. The building now houses Canadian Forces Health Services Group Headquarters, the CF Health Services Centre Ottawa and other military units. All in-patient and surgical services for the Canadian Forces in the Ottawa region are done at the Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital where they have a 4 bed unit, and their own Operating Theater.

It was announced in 2003 that they will be moving to 2 floors of the new Montfort Hospital.

Famous quotes containing the words national, defence, medical and/or centre:

    I would dodge, not lie, in the national interest.
    Larry Speakes (b. 1939)

    Mankind have such a deep stake in inward illumination, that there is much to be said by the hermit or monk in defence of his life of thought and prayer.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)

    Unusual precocity in children, is usually the result of an unhealthy state of the brain; and, in such cases, medical men would now direct, that the wonderful child should be deprived of all books and study, and turned to play or work in the fresh air.
    Catherine E. Beecher (1800–1878)

    Him, the vindictive rod of angry justice
    Sent, quick and howling, to the centre headlong;
    I, fed with judgements,in a fleshy tomb, am
    Buried above ground.
    William Cowper (1731–1800)