On-base Plus Slugging - An OPS Scale

An OPS Scale

Bill James, in his essay titled "The 96 Families of Hitters" uses seven different categories for classification by OPS:

Category Classification OPS Range
A Great .9000 and Higher
B Moderate .8333 to .8999
C Above Average .7667 to .8333
D Average .7000 to .7666
E Below Average .6334 to .6999
F Poor .5667 to .6333
G Atrocious .5666 and Lower

This effectively transforms OPS into a 7 point Likert Scale. Substituting typical Likert scale quality values such as Excellent (A), Very Good (B), Good (C), Average (D), Fair (E), Poor (F) and Very Poor (G) for the A-G categories creates a subjective reference for OPS values.

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