Outline of Literature - General Literature Concepts

General Literature Concepts

  • Literature –
  • Western canon –
  • Teaching of writing:
    • Composition –
    • Rhetoric –
  • Poetry –
    • Prosody –
    • Meter –
    • Scansion –
    • Constrained writing –
  • Poetics –
    • Villanelle –
    • Sonnet –
    • Sestina –
    • Ghazal –
    • Ballad –
    • Blank verse –
    • Free verse –
    • Epic poetry –
  • Prose –
    • Fiction –
    • Non-fiction –
    • Biography –
  • Prose genres –
    • Essay –
    • Flash prose –
    • Journalism –
    • Novel –
    • Novella –
    • Short story –
  • Theater –
    • History of theater –
  • Literary criticism –
  • Rhetoric –
    • Metaphor –
    • Metonymy –
    • Symbol –
    • Allegory –
  • Basic procedural knowledge
    • Poetry analysis –
    • effective reasoning in argument writing
  • Narratology
    • False document –
    • Frame tale –
    • Anecdote –
    • In Medias Res –
    • Point of view –
  • Literary criticism – an application of literary theory
    • Marxist literary criticism –
    • Semiotic literary interpretation –
    • Psychoanalytic literary interpretation –
    • Feminist literary interpretation –
    • New historicism –
    • Queer literary interpretation –

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    Never alone
    Did the King sigh, but with a general groan.
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