Politics of Jersey - National Government – The Council of Ministers

National Government – The Council of Ministers

Historically, Jersey had a "committee-based system of administration embracing all public service functions and guaranteeing extensive involvement in policy-making for most members" of the Assembly of the States of Jersey. The report of a review committee chaired by Sir Cecil Clothier criticised this system of government, finding it incapable of developing high-level strategy, efficient policy-coordination or effective political leadership. The States of Jersey Law 2005 introduced a ministerial system of government. Executive powers are now exercised by a Chief Minister and nine ministers, known collectively as the Council of Ministers responsible to the States Assembly.

The Chief Minister is elected from amongst the elected members of the States. Ministers are then proposed both by the Chief Minister and any other elected member, the final decision being made by the States assembly.

There is no convention of Cabinet collective responsibility among members of the Council of Ministers. The Council of Ministers reaches decisions by consensus and individual ministers retain the freedom to dissent from Council decisions in public and even present their own policy to the assembly of the States in their capacity as a member of the assembly without having to resign as a minister. Ministers are, however, bound by a Code of Conduct for Ministers approved in 2006.

The overall direction of government as agreed by the Council of Ministers is published periodically as a "strategic plan", the current one being the States of Jersey Strategic Plan 2009-2014. These plans are debated and approved by the assembly of the States of Jersey and translated into action by a series of business plans for each department.

Several departments, each headed by a minister, are responsible for developing policy within the framework of the strategic plan and for implementing services. They include: the Chief Minister's Department; Economic Development; Education, Sport and Culture; Health and Social Services; Home Affairs; Housing; Environment; Social Security; Transport and Technical Services; and Treasury and Resources.

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