Polypropylene - Industrial Processes

Industrial Processes

Traditionally, three manufacturing process are the most representative ways to produce polypropylene.

Hydrocarbon slurry or suspension: Uses a liquid inert hydrocarbon diluent in the reactor to facilitate transfer of propylene to the catalyst, the removal of heat from the system, the deactivation/removal of the catalyst as well as dissolving the atactic polymer. The range of grades that could be produced was very limited. (The technology has fallen into disuse).

Bulk (or bulk slurry): Uses liquid propylene instead of liquid inert hydrocarbon diluent. The polymer does not dissolve into a diluent, but rather rides on the liquid propylene. The formed polymer is withdrawn and any unreacted monomer is flashed off.

Gas phase: Uses gaseous propylene in contact with the solid catalyst, resulting in a fluidized-bed medium.

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