QSIG - List of ISDN Standards

List of ISDN Standards

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
  • ETS 300 052 - Multiple Subscriber Number
  • ETS 300 055 - Call Waiting
  • ETS 300 092 - Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP)
  • ETS 300 093 - Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR)
  • ETS 300 097 - Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP)
  • ETS 300 098 - Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR)
  • ETS 300 130 - Malicious Call Identification
  • ETS 300 141 - Call Hold
  • ETS 300 172 - Circuit-Mode Basic Service
  • ETS 300 173 - Called/Calling Line ID Presentation
  • ETS 300 182 - Advice Of Charge
  • ETS 300 188 - Three Way Conference
  • ETS 300 207 - Call Diversion
  • ETS 300 237 - Called/Calling Name Presentation
  • ETS 300 238 - Called/Calling Name Presentation
  • ETS 300 239 - Generic Functional Protocol
  • ETS 300 256 - CFU Supplementary Service
  • ETS 300 258 - Path Replacement (ANF-PR)
  • ETS 300 359 - Call Completion To Busy Subscriber (CCBS)
  • ETS 300 260 - Call Transfer By Join (SS-CT)
  • ETS 300 261 - Call Transfer - (SS-CT)
  • ETS 300 369 - Explicit Call Transfer
  • ETS 300 745 - Message Waiting Indication (MWI)
  • ETS 300 259 - Path Replacement Additional Network Feature (ANF-PR)
  • ETS 301 258 - Recall Supplementary Service (SS-RE)
  • ETS 301 919 - Single Step Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SS-SSCT)

Source : European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)

  • CCITT G.703 - Describes the physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces.

Source : International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

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