QSIG - List of QSIG Standards

List of QSIG Standards

Note: This list is not complete. See the "source" after the list for more information.

  • ECMA-143 - Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Circuit Mode Bearer Services - Inter-Exchange Signalling Procedures and Protocol (QSIG-BC), Basic Call,
    International and European Versions: ISO/IEC 11572, ETSI EN 300 172
  • ECMA-165 - Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Generic Functional Protocol for the Support of Supplementary Services - Inter-Exchange Signalling Procedures and Protocol (QSIG-GF),
    International and European Versions: ISO/IEC 11582, ETSI ETS 300 239
  • ECMA-164 - Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Name Identification Supplementary Services (QSIG-NA),
    International and European Versions: ISO/IEC 13868, ETSI ETS 300 238
  • ECMA-174 - Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Diversion Supplementary Services (QSIG-CF),
    International and European Versions: ISO/IEC 13873, ETSI ETS 300 257
  • ECMA-178 - Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Transfer Supplementary Service (QSIG-CT),
    International and European Versions: ISO/IEC 13869, ETSI ETS 300 261

Source : ECMA - list of standards (search the list for PISN to find all QSIG related standards at ECMA)

QSIG basically uses ROSE to invoke specific supplementary service at the remote PINX. These ROSE operations are coded in a Q.931 FACILITY info element. Here a list of QSIG opcodes:

opcode supplServ defining ECMA
0 callingName ECMA-164
1 calledName ECMA-164
2 connectedName ECMA-164
3 busyName ECMA-164
4 pathReplacePropose ECMA-176
5 pathReplaceSetup ECMA-176
6 pathReplaceRetain ECMA-176
7 callTransferIdentity ECMA-178
8 callTransferAbandon ECMA-178
9 callTransferInitiate ECMA-178
10 callTransferSetup ECMA-178
11 callTransferActive ECMA-178
12 callTransferComplete ECMA-178
13 callTransferUpdate ECMA-178
14 subaddressTransfer ECMA-178
15 activateDiversionQ ECMA-174
16 deactivateDiversionQ ECMA-174
17 interrogateDiversionQ ECMA-174
18 checkRestriction ECMA-174
19 callRerouteing ECMA-174
20 divertingLegInformation1 ECMA-174
21 divertingLegInformation2 ECMA-174
22 divertingLegInformation3 ECMA-174
23 cfnrDivertedLegFailed ECMA-174
27 ccnrRequest ECMA-186
28 ccCancel ECMA-186
29 ccExecPossible ECMA-186
30 ccPathReverse ECMA-186
31 ccRingout ECMA-186
32 ccSuspend ECMA-186
33 ccResume ECMA-186
34 callOfferRequest ECMA-192
35 doNotDisturbActivateQ ECMA-194
36 doNotDisturbDeactivateQ ECMA-194
37 doNotDisturbInterrogateQ ECMA-194
38 doNotDsturbOverrideQ ECMA-194
39 doNotDisturbOvrExecuteQ ECMA-194
40 ccbsRequest ECMA-186
41 pathRetain ECMA-192
42 serviceAvailable ECMA-192
43 callIntrusionRequest ECMA-203
44 callIntrusionGetCIPL ECMA-203
45 callIntrusionIsolate ECMA-203
46 callIntrusionForcedRelease ECMA-203
47 callIntrusionWOBRequest ECMA-203
48 callIntrusionCompleted ECMA-203
49 cfbOverride ECMA-192
54 ctmiEnquiry ECMA-215
55 ctmiDivert ECMA-215
56 ctmiInform ECMA-215
57 recallAlert ECMA-214
58 recallAnswered ECMA-214
59 chargeRequest ECMA-212
60 getFinalCharge ECMA-212
61 aocFinal ECMA-212
62 aocInterim ECMA-212
63 aocRate ECMA-212
64 aocComplete ECMA-212
65 aocDivChargeReq ECMA-212
66 cintLeginformation1 ECMA-221
67 cintLegInformation2 ECMA-221
68 cintCondition ECMA-221
69 cintDisable ECMA-221
70 cintEnable ECMA-221
80 mWIActivate ECMA-242
81 mWIDeactivate ECMA-242
82 mWIInterrogate ECMA-242
84 cmnRequest ECMA-251
85 cmnInform ECMA-251
86 pathReplaceInvite ECMA-176

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