Quake III Arena - Competitive Play

Competitive Play

Quake III Arena's multiplayer-focused development led to it developing a large community of competitive players and like its predecessors it was used extensively in professional electronic sports tournaments. In competitive Quake III Arena there are two distinct gameplays, often referred to as 'rulesets', the out-of-the-box Quake III Arena game, also known as vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3), and the CPM ruleset of the Challenge Pro Mode Arena mod. On July 26, 2006, Challenge Pro Mode Arena with VQ3 gameplay was chosen by Cyberathlete Professional League as the mod of choice for their tournament, making it the standard competitive mod for Quake III Arena. Previously, Orange Smoothie Productions was the most widely used tournament mod.

The following competitions have held Quake 3 events:

  • Cyberathlete Amateur League
  • Cyberathlete Professional League
  • Electronic Sports World Cup
  • QuakeCon
  • World Cyber Games

These competitions have now moved on to more recent games or have transitioned to its variant successor, Quake Live.

Read more about this topic:  Quake III Arena

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