
Rabban may refer to:

  • Glossu Rabban, a character from Frank Herbert's Dune (1965)
  • Joseph Rabban (8th century), Jewish merchant

People with the given name Rabban:

  • Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (circa 838-870), Jewish scientist
  • Rabban Bar Sauma (circa 1220-1294), Chinese Christian
  • Rabban Markos, Patriarch of the Church of the East
  • Simeon Rabban Ata (13th century), high representative of Syriac Christianity

Jewish teachers given the title Rabban, a title traditionally given to the head of the Sanhedrin during Tannaitic times:

  • Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai
  • Rabban Gamaliel
  • Rabban Shimon ben Gamaliel
  • Rabban Gamaliel II of Yavneh
  • Rabban Shimon ben Gamaliel II