Red Sea Coast

Famous quotes containing the words red, sea and/or coast:

    Every one of my friends had a bad day somewhere in her history she wished she could forget but couldn’t. A very bad mother day changes you forever. Those were the hardest stories to tell. . . . “I could still see the red imprint of his little bum when I changed his diaper that night. I stared at my hand, as if they were alien parts of myself . . . as if they had betrayed me. From that day on, I never hit him again.”
    Mary Kay Blakely (20th century)

    Times go by turns, and chances change by course,
    From foul to fair, from better hap to worse.

    The sea of Fortune doth not ever flow,
    She draws her favours to the lowest ebb;
    Her tides have equal times to come and go,
    Her loom doth weave the fine and Coarsest web;
    Robert Southwell (1561?–1595)

    This coast crying out for tragedy like all beautiful places,
    Robinson Jeffers (1887–1962)