Religious Groups - Multi-denominational


May refer to a religious event that includes several religious denominations from not always related religious groups. Many civic events include religious portions led by representatives from several religious denominations to be as inclusive or representational as possible of the expected population or audience. A recent example is the Sunday thanksgiving mass at Campamento Esperanza (English: Camp Hope), Chile, where services were led by both a Roman Catholic priest and by an Evangelical preacher during the Chilean 2010 CopiapĆ³ mining accident.

Chaplains, frequently ordained clergy of any religion, are often assigned to secular organizations to provide spiritual support to its members who may belong to any of many different religions or denominations. Many of these chaplains, particularly those serving with the military or other large secular organizations, are specifically trained to minister to members of many different faiths, even faiths with opposing religious ideology from that of the chaplain's faith.

Military organizations that do not have enough members representing several smaller but related denominations will routinely hold multi-denominational religious services, often called "protestant" Sunday services, so minority protestant denominations are not left out or unserved.

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