Saint Laura

Saint Laura of Cordoba' (Spanish: Santa Laura de Córdoba) (died 864) was a Spanish Christian who lived in Muslim Spain during the 9th century. She was born in Córdoba, and became a nun at Cuteclara after her husband died, eventually rising to become an abbess. She was martyred by Muslims who took her captive and scalded her to death by placing her in a vat of boiling lead. Her feast day is on 19 October; she is one of the Martyrs of Córdoba.

Things named after her include the Estadio Santa Laura ("Saint Laura Stadium") in Santiago, Chile and the Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works in northern Chile.

Thomas Love Peacock wrote a ballad about her in his work Gryll Grange

Name Laura
Alternative names
Short description
Date of birth
Place of birth
Date of death 864
Place of death

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