
The shang (Tibetan: gchang) is a flat ritual upturned handbell employed by Bönpo and Asian shamans. The sizes of the shang range from approximately 3 to 20 inches in diameter. It is traditionally held to have originated in Zhangzhung and is symbolically similar to the tantric dril-bhu. Shang are traditionally consecrated and made of sophisticated metallic alloy. The Bönpo or shaman may use this instrument as a tool to 'caste' or 'throw' thoughts. The shang may also be used to receive information from the æther.

The shang is often used in rites in conjunction with the phurba and namkha. The shang consists of three principal parts: the flat bell part proper; the gankyil which is the centre piece that holds the knocker; and the knocker or striker proper, which is often made of animal horn.