Source Tracking

Source tracking pertains to the ability of some hypertext systems to rigorously track the exact source of every document or partial document included in the system; that is, they remember who entered the information, when it was entered, when it was updated and by whom, and so on. This allows determining the exact history of every document (and even small parts of documents).

Present HTML and HTTP do not have this feature, but certain systems on the World Wide Web (such as WikiWiki and Everything Engine) may have limited versions of the capability.

Famous quotes containing the words source and/or tracking:

    It is the child in man that is the source of his uniqueness and creativeness, and the playground is the optimal milieu for the unfolding of his capacities and talents.
    Eric Hoffer (1902–1983)

    Such is the art of writing as Dreiser understands it and practices it—an endless piling up of minutiae, an almost ferocious tracking down of ions, electrons and molecules, an unshakable determination to tell it all. One is amazed by the mole-like diligence of the man, and no less by his exasperating disregard for the ease of his readers.
    —H.L. (Henry Lewis)