South High School (Denver) - Alumni Association

Alumni Association

South High School has the most active alumni association of all the public high schools in Denver. South High Alumni and Friends, Inc (SHAFI) has office and museum space in the basement of the high school, in what was once a classroom and the gun range for the JROTC program. In recent years the alumni association has been responsible for the restoration of the clock tower and new flag pole.

Among its activities SHAFI maintains a database of all graduates of South High School, is building a database of faculty and staff of the school, publishes a newsletter several times a year for its members, and maintains a school museum. Due to its prominence as a South Denver landmark the museum has also become the repository for Washington Park, and surrounding neighborhood, history, artifacts and memorabilia. It has also serves as a repository for the memorabilia of the middle school and elementary schools that feed into the high school.

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