St. John The Baptist Diocesan High School

St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School is a private, Roman Catholic high school in West Islip, New York. It is operated by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre.

Read more about St. John The Baptist Diocesan High School:  Uniform, School Layout and Building, Academics, Music and Arts, Clubs and Activities, Athletics, Notable Alumni

Famous quotes containing the words baptist, high and/or school:

    I am perhaps being a bit facetious but if some of my good Baptist brethren in Georgia had done a little preaching from the pulpit against the K.K.K. in the ‘20s, I would have a little more genuine American respect for their Christianity!
    Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882–1945)

    There is only one vice, which may be found in life with as strong features, and as high a colouring as needs be employed by any satyrist or comic poet; and that is AVARICE.
    David Hume (1711–1776)

    I’m tired of playing worn-out depressing ladies in frayed bathrobes. I’m going to get a new hairdo and look terrific and go back to school and even if nobody notices, I’m going to be the most self-fulfilled lady on the block.
    Joanne Woodward (b. 1930)