States Pacific Island

Famous quotes containing the words states, pacific and/or island:

    My only rival, the United States cavalry.
    James Kevin McGuinness, and John Ford. Mrs. Yorke (Maureen O’Hara)

    The principle of majority rule is the mildest form in which the force of numbers can be exercised. It is a pacific substitute for civil war in which the opposing armies are counted and the victory is awarded to the larger before any blood is shed. Except in the sacred tests of democracy and in the incantations of the orators, we hardly take the trouble to pretend that the rule of the majority is not at bottom a rule of force.
    Walter Lippmann (1889–1974)

    Know that, on the right hand of the Indies, there is an island called California, very near to the Terrestrial Paradise, which was peopled with black women.... Their arms were all of gold.
    —For the State of California, U.S. public relief program (1935-1943)