Stressful Life Events

Famous quotes containing the words stressful, life and/or events:

    It is not stressful circumstances, as such, that do harm to children. Rather, it is the quality of their interpersonal relationships and their transactions with the wider social and material environment that lead to behavioral, emotional, and physical health problems. If stress matters, it is in terms of how it influences the relationships that are important to the child.
    Felton Earls (20th century)

    There was something so free and self-contained about him, something in the young fellow’s movements, that made that officer aware of him. And this irritated the Prussian. He did not choose to be touched into life by his servant.
    —D.H. (David Herbert)

    All the events which make the annals of the nations are but the shadows of our private experiences.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862)