
Subject (Latin: subiectus "lying beneath") may refer to:

Read more about Subject:  Philosophy, Grammar, People, Library and Information Science, Other

Famous quotes containing the word subject:

    And thou, thou rich-haired youth of morn,
    And all thy subject life was born!
    William Collins (1721–1759)

    This idoll which you terme Virginitie,
    Is neither essence subject to the eie,
    No, nor to any one exterior sence,
    Nor hath it any place of residence,
    Nor is’t of earth or mold celestiall,
    Or capable of any forme at all.
    Christopher Marlowe (1564–1593)

    Hard-hearted girl,
    get rid of these doubts
    based on false rumor.
    It’s not good
    to subject me to sorrow
    because of backbiters’ words,
    or have you decided now,
    silly girl,
    that it’s all true?
    Do to me what you will,
    Suit yourself.
    Amaru (c. seventh century A.D.)