SuperValu (Ireland) - Company Structure

Company Structure

It is very similar in organisation to the SPAR and Londis chains of stores, in that the individual stores are owned on a franchise basis, with the store owners using standardised store layouts and brandings, and selling the same own brand products. However it differs from these chains in that SuperValu outlets tend to be significantly larger than the convenience store formats used by the other symbol groups, and the larger stores are on a par with the other full service supermarkets. In this regard, SuperValu regards its major competition as being Tesco Ireland, Dunnes Stores, Eurospar and Superquinn (Superquinn was bought by Musgrave Group which is the parent company of SuperValu, Speculation has begun on what will happen to the Superquinn brand), rather than the other symbol groups. Owing to the success of SuperValu, Londis have branched out into supermarkets with their Londis Plus brand and SPAR have introduced their multinational brand EUROSPAR. Many Irish towns have a SuperValu store, and for many parts of the Republic, it is the only retail chain in the community.

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