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The Hungarian television rating system has changed frequently during the last few years. The ratings of the shows broadcasted often caused interferences because the radio and television authorities have stricter guidelines about age appropriate rating categories for programs. If a show is not marked with the television authority's choice of rating symbol, the airing channel often has to pay a large penalty to the authorities.
Before the year 2002 the Hungarian television rating system was pretty simple. Channels could range their programs into three categories:
- Unrated: these programs could be viewed by anyone without any counter proposal.
- Not recommended for children under the age of 14—Films displaying light violence or with explicit dialogues were ranked into this category. The symbol of the age limit was a blue triangle.
- Not recommended for children under the age of 18—Films displaying violence or sexual content were ranked into this one. The symbol of the category was a filled red circle.
Rating programs and displaying on-screen symbols was not strictly compulsory for the channels; eventually the television authority found this system inappropriate.
In 2002 a new rating system was created. Ranking programs and displaying the rating symbols became compulsory on every Hungarian television channel. The new rating system caused problems because the channels were required to display the ranking symbols during the entire duration of their programs. The symbols were distracting, and viewers feared that their constant presence could damage the television screen. Because of the complaints, the television authority allowed channels to choose to show the rating symbols on the left or on the right side of the screen. Later, channels were also allowed to increase the transparency of the symbols.
In the current system there are four rating categories.
- Unrated: the program can be viewed by any age.
- 6: the program is not recommended for children below the age of 6. Does not contain any violence or sexual content are marked with a yellow circle with "6" written inside.
- 12: the program is not recommended for children below the age of 12. Mostly shows with light sexual content or explicit language use are marked with this. Most films without serious violence or sexual content fit into this category also. A yellow circle with "12" written inside is used for this rating.
- 16: the program is not recommended for children below the age of 16. Films displaying violence and obvious sexual content are marked with a yellow circle with "16" written inside.
- 18: the program is recommended only for viewers above the age of 18 (age of becoming adult according to Hungarian laws). Films displaying particular violence and unvarnished sexual content are marked with a red circle with "18" written inside; the red circle was also used until 2002, but it was filled.
It should be noted, that these ratings also apply to films shown in cinemas, however unlike in other countries a viewer cannot be denied access from entering a screening if they are not the age of the rating. Law concerning TV ratings (in Hungarian)
Read more about this topic: Television Content Rating Systems