Transport in Chile - Mountain Passes

Mountain Passes

  • Cardenal Antonio Samoré Pass, Los Lagos Region, Route 215-CH
  • Carirriñe Pass, Los Ríos Region
  • Chungara–Tambo Quemado, Arica and Parinacota Region
  • Paso de Jama, Antofagasta Region
  • Huahum Pass, Los Ríos Region
  • Icalma International Pass, Araucanía Region
  • Paso Internacional Los Libertadores, Valparaíso Region
  • Lilpela Pass, Los Ríos Region
  • Paso de Los Patos, Valparaíso Region
  • Mamuil Malal Pass, Araucanía Region
  • Pino Hachado Pass, Araucanía Region
  • San Francisco Pass, Atacama Region
  • Uspallata Pass, Valparaíso Region

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