Trinidad and Tobago Carnival - Bands


Band leaders and designers begin working on their presentations months in advance of Carnival Monday and Tuesday. They usually hold a launch party the up to 8 months before Carnival to showcase their costumes. Costumes are available for purchase at the mas camp. Some camps offer costumes for sale online as well.

Some popular Carnival bands include:

  • Fireworks Promotions(South Premier Carnival Band)
  • Gerald Achee and Village Drums of Freedom
  • Rosalind Gabriel
  • Tribe
  • Bliss
  • Harts Carnival (also known as Young Harts)
  • Masquerade
  • Peter Minshall's Callaloo Company
  • Island People
  • Trevor Wallace
  • Trini Revellers
  • YUMA
  • Legacy
  • Glenn Carvalho
  • Genesis
  • Pulse 8
  • Spice
  • Dream Team
  • Mas Jumbies
  • Evolution
  • Brian McFarlane
  • Trini Fever Crew
  • Ramajay
  • Katzenjammers
  • Lee Heung
  • Ivan Kalicharan:
  • Wayne Berkeley
  • Fantasy Carnival:

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Famous quotes containing the word bands:

    While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
    Bible: New Testament, Luke 2:6,7.

    According to the historian, they escaped as by a miracle all roving bands of Indians, and reached their homes in safety, with their trophies, for which the General Court paid them fifty pounds. The family of Hannah Dustan all assembled alive once more, except the infant whose brains were dashed out against the apple tree, and there have been many who in later time have lived to say that they have eaten of the fruit of that apple tree.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862)

    The thing that struck me forcefully was the feeling of great age about the place. Standing on that old parade ground, which is now a cricket field, I could feel the dead generations crowding me. Here was the oldest settlement of freedmen in the Western world, no doubt. Men who had thrown off the bands of slavery by their own courage and ingenuity. The courage and daring of the Maroons strike like a purple beam across the history of Jamaica.
    Zora Neale Hurston (1891–1960)