Warwick - Demography


Warwick compared
2001 UK census Warwick Warwick Local Authority England
Total population 23,350 125,931 49,138,831
White 93.9% 92.9% 90.9%
Asian 3.8% 4.7% 4.6%
Black 0.4% 0.5% 2.3%

As of the 2001 UK census, Warwick had a population of 23,350. The population density was 8,841 per square mile (3,414 /km2), with a 100 to 95.7 female-to-male ratio. Of those over 16 years old, 29.0% were single (never married), 43.4% married, and 8.9% divorced. Warwick's 10,285 households included 33.1% one-person, 36.7% married couples living together, 8.6% were co-habiting couples, and 16.8% single parents with their children; these figures were similar to those of the wider district of Warwick, however both borough and town had higher rates of single parents than England (9.5%). Of those aged 16–74, 26.2% had no academic qualifications, above the figure for the district but below proportion nationally (22.2% and 28.9& respectively), and 26.2% had an educational qualification such as first degree, higher degree, qualified teacher status, qualified medical doctor, qualified dentist, qualified nurse, midwife, health visitor, etc. compared to 19.9% nationwide.

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