Whois - Criticism


There is no domain privacy. Registrant's contact details, such as address and telephone number, are easily accessible to anyone who queries a WHOIS server. Some domain registrars offer private registrations, by which the contact information of the registrar is shown instead of the customer's. ICANN rules state that in these cases, the registrar or the provider of this service is the leaser of the domain.

Studies have shown that spammers can and do harvest plain-text email addresses from WHOIS servers. For this reason, some WHOIS servers and websites offering WHOIS queries have implemented rate-limiting system, such as web-based CAPTCHA.

The WHOIS protocol was not written with an international audience in mind. A WHOIS server and/or client cannot determine the text encoding in effect for the query or the database content. Many servers were originally using US-ASCII and Internationalization concerns weren't taken into consideration until much later. This might impact the usability or usefulness of the WHOIS protocol in countries outside the USA. In the case of internationalized domain names it is the responsibility of the client application to perform the translation of the domain name between its native language script and the DNS name in punycode.

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