WorldForge - History


The WorldForge Project began in October 1998, under the original name of "Altima." It was originally envisioned to be an "Alternative to Ultima Online" and was mentioned in an article on the Slashdot news website, which became a major source of interested developers.

The original founder has since left the project along with most pre-Slashdot developers. Despite this, the community has become populous and able to sustain itself. A new governing system and selected coordinators has been established, fixing a new direction and a new goal. This community has decided to work on something much more significant than a "mere Ultima clone," and voted itself the new name "WorldForge". Avinash Gupta was the first leader of the project, followed by Bryce Harrington, but more recently developers have chosen not to select a leader, and instead rely on consensus among a small group of determined core developers to decide the overall direction of the project.

The WorldForge community has adopted the view that "massive" is unnecessary in a non-commercial game and has focused instead on "community" environments; estimating on the order of a few hundred players per game world, rather than thousands. Because most WorldForge servers are run by volunteers without strong bandwidth and hardware capacities this direction also has practical reasons.

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