WYSIWYG - Related Acronyms

Related Acronyms

Many variations are used only to illustrate a point or make a joke, and have very limited real use. Some that have been proposed include the following:

  • WYSIMOLWYG, what you see is more or less what you get, recognizing that most WYSIWYG implementations are imperfect.
  • WYSIAWYG; what you see is almost what you get, similar to WYSIMOLWYG.
  • WYSIAYG, what you see is all you get, used to point out that advanced users are sometimes limited by the user interface.
  • WYSIWYM, what you see is what you mean (The user sees what best conveys the message.)
  • WYCIWYG, what you cache is what you get. "wyciwyg://" turns up occasionally in the address bar of Gecko-based Web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox when the browser is retrieving cached information. Unauthorized access to wyciwyg:// documents was fixed by Mozilla in Firefox version
  • WYGIWYS, what you get is what you see, used in computing to describe a new interaction paradigm in results-oriented user interface.
  • WYSIWYN, what you see is what you need relates to Software, which is not composed through the interconnection of modules, but work with such a detailed user and rights management, that users can see only what they really need.
  • WYSYHYG, what you see you hope you get (/ˈwɪzihɪɡ/), a term ridiculing text mode word processing software; used in the Microsoft Windows video collection, a video distributed around 1991 on two VHS cassettes at promotional events.
  • WYSIWYS, what you see is what you sign, an important requirement for digital signature software. It means that the software has to be able to show the user the content without any hidden content before the user signs it.
  • WYSIWYD, what you see is what you deserve refers to the ability of the user and - of course - his effort to create something worthwhile.
  • WYSIWYW, what you see is what you want, used to describe GNU TeXmacs editing platform. The abbreviation clarifies that unlike in WYSIWYG editors, the user is able to customize WYSIWYW platforms to partly act as manual typesetting programs such as TeX or troff.
  • YAFIYGI, you asked for it you got it, used to describe a text-command oriented document editing system that does not include WYSIWYG, in reference to the fact that users of such systems often ask for something they did not really want. It is considered to be the opposite of WYSIWYG. The phrase was first used in this context in 1983 in the essay Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal to describe the TECO text editor system, and began to be abbreviated circa 1993.

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