X.500 - List of X.500 Series Standards

List of X.500 Series Standards

ITU-T number ISO/IEC number Title of Standard
X.500 ISO/IEC 9594-1 The Directory: Overview of concepts, models and services
X.501 ISO/IEC 9594-2 The Directory: Models
X.509 ISO/IEC 9594-8 The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks
X.511 ISO/IEC 9594-3 The Directory: Abstract service definition
X.518 ISO/IEC 9594-4 The Directory: Procedures for distributed operation
X.519 ISO/IEC 9594-5 The Directory: Protocol specifications
X.520 ISO/IEC 9594-6 The Directory: Selected attribute types
X.521 ISO/IEC 9594-7 The Directory: Selected object classes
X.525 ISO/IEC 9594-9 The Directory: Replication
X.530 ISO/IEC 9594-10 The Directory: Use of systems management for administration of the Directory

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