Xavier School - Athletics


The school athletics programs are part of a selection of co-curricular activities available to its students. Xavier School fields over thirty teams in twelve sports. Students are not required to take part in organized athletics, but many do. In 2005, XS had 488 athletes who competed in tournaments and leagues in different age-groups in one level or another. The teams are selected on a competitive basis.

Xavier School considers commitment as the theme of its athletics program. The biggest, and maybe the only, incentive of XS student-athletes in making a commitment is the privilege of carrying the school flag in interscholastic athletic competitions. In the same way, the school is committed in supporting its student-athletes, as stated by the school's athletics program coordinator.

Athletics are not only available to Xavier students. They also extend to the larger Xavier School community. Every year, a fun run is held whereby students, faculty and staff, parents, alumni and friends participate in a marathon around the Greenhills area, in friendly competition for the top prize. Everyone, including the public, may use Xavier School's sports facilities upon obtaining permission to do so from the school.

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