Xavier School - Organization and Administration

Organization and Administration

Presidents and Rectors of
Xavier School
Fr. Jean Desautels, S.J., 1956–1966
Fr. Ismael Zuloaga, S.J., 1966–1985
Fr. Alberto Ampil, S.J., 1985–1991
Fr. Rodolfo Eugene Moran, S.J., 1991–2001
Fr. Johnny Go, S.J., 2001 – present

The school is composed of two units: Grade School Unit 1 (Kindergarten to Grade 2), Grade School Unit 2 (Grades 3 to 6), and High School (Grades 7 to 12). Each of the units in the Grade School is led by an Assistant Principal, who reports to the Grade School Principal. The High School is led by the High School Principal, assisted by the Assistant Principal for Academics and the Assistant Principal for Formation. Both the Grade School and High School Principals report to the School President.

Other top-level administrators reporting directly to the School President are the Personnel Officer and the School Treasurer.

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