Xavier's Security Enforcers

Xavier's Security Enforcers (also known as the XSE) are a Marvel Comics superhero team/police force from the fictional 2070s, a time ruled by mutant hunting/killing robots called Sentinels, who at this point in time had run amok, essentially ruling Earth in order to carry out their objective to protect humanity. The XSE is formed in the fallout of the Gene War (a conflict first mentioned in X-Treme X-Men #4) and the Summers Rebellion, during which mutants and humans join forces to defeat the Sentinels.

Read more about Xavier's Security Enforcers:  Publication History, Fictional Team History

Famous quotes containing the words xavier and/or security:

    If you’re so helpless you can’t find the water you’ve no business in it.
    Robert Tusker, and Michael Curtiz. Joanne Xavier (Fay Wray)

    Those words freedom and opportunity do not mean a license to climb upwards by pushing other people down. Any paternalistic system that tries to provide for security for everyone from above only calls for an impossible task and a regimentation utterly uncongenial to the spirit of our people.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882–1945)