Zeus (Marvel Comics) - Powers and Abilities

Powers and Abilities

Like all Olympians, Zeus has vast strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes, although he is stronger than the other Olympians except for Hercules. Zeus is virtually immortal in the sense that he does not age, is immune to all known diseases and Earthly toxins, and cannot be killed through conventional means. He, like all Olympians, can heal very quickly and possesses some resistance to magic. Zeus possesses the ability to manipulate vast amounts of cosmic and mystical energy for a variety of purposes, including temporary augmentation of his superhuman physical abilities, firing powerful bolts of electrical force energy, changing his shape and size at will, opening and closing interdimensional apertures, sending himself and others through these dimensions, creating mountains, granting superhuman abilities and properties to living beings or inanimate objects, and the power to generate great amounts of electrical energy and discharge it as lightning bolts. Zeus can also control the mystical life energies of other Olympian gods, and has removed and restored much of his son Hercules' divine attributes several times in the past. Zeus possesses limited precognitive abilities that allow him to glimpse various alternate futures. Zeus is also an excellent hand to hand combatant, having thousands of years of experience at his disposal, and is virtually invincible in hurling lightning bolts. Zeus wields Olympian weaponry made by Hephaestus from virtually indestructible adamantine, and sometimes rides in a mystical chariot drawn by magical horses capable of flight and traversing the dimensions.

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