Zulu People - Modern Zulu Population

Modern Zulu Population

The modern Zulu population is fairly evenly distributed in both urban and rural areas. Although KwaZulu-Natal is still their heartland, large numbers have been attracted to the relative economic prosperity of Gauteng province. Indeed, Zulu is the most widely spoken home language in the province, followed by Sotho. Zulu is also spoken in many rural and small-town areas of the Mpumalanga province, in addition to other parts of Southern Africa. There are Zulus in Zambia known as Abangoni, Mozambique known as Xigubo, and in Zimbabwe known as Amandebele.

Zulus also play an important part in South African cultural, political, academic and economic space. The African National Congress (Pixley KaIsaka Seme) and Inkatha Freedom Party (Mangosuthu Buthelezi) were both established by the Zulus. Pixley KaIsaka Seme's philosophy was to form a non-tribal political movement that would fight for the freedom of black people, whereas the Inkatha Freedom Party was initially a Zulu cultural movement but later became a political party.

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