A number of different symbolisms are used in the literature. An advantage to using the symbolism is a derivation of a function by "nesting" of the operators one inside the other is easier to write in a compact form. In the following we will abbreviate the string of parameters x1, ..., xn as x:
- Constant function: Kleene uses " Cqn(x) = q " and Boolos-Burgess-Jeffry (2002) (B-B-J) use the abbreviation " constn( x) = n ":
- e.g. C137 ( r, s, t, u, v, w, x ) = 13
- e.g. const13 ( r, s, t, u, v, w, x ) = 13
- Successor function: Kleene uses x' and S for "Successor". As "successor" is considered to be primitive, most texts use the apostrophe as follows:
- S(a) = a +1 =def a', where 1 =def 0', 2 =def 0 ' ', etc.
- Identity function: Kleene (1952) uses " Uin " to indicate the identity function over the variables xi; B-B-J use the identity function idin over the variables x1 to xn:
- Uin( x ) = idin( x ) = xi
- e.g. U37 = id37 ( r, s, t, u, v, w, x ) = t
- Composition (Substitution) operator: Kleene uses a bold-face Snm (not to be confused with his S for "successor" ! ). The superscript "m" refers to the mth of function "fm", whereas the subscript "n" refers to the nth variable "xn":
- If we are given h( x )= g( f1(x), ..., fm(x) )
- h(x) = Smn(g, f1, ..., fm )
- In a similar manner, but without the sub- and superscripts, B-B-J write:
- h(x')= Cn(x)
- Primitive Recursion: Kleene uses the symbol " Rn(base step, induction step) " where n indicates the number of variables, B-B-J use " Pr(base step, induction step)(x)". Given:
- base step: h( 0, x )= f( x ), and
- induction step: h( y+1, x ) = g( y, h(x,y),x )
- Example: primitive recursion definition of a + b:
- base step: f( 0, a ) = a = U11(a)
- induction step: f( b', a ) = ( f ( b, a ) )' = g( b, f( b, a), a ) = g( b, c, a ) = c' = S(U23( b, c, a )
- R2 { U11(a), S }
- Pr{ U11(a), S }
Example: Kleene gives an example of how to perform the recursive derivation of f(b, a) = b + a (notice reversal of variables a and b). He starting with 3 initial functions
- S(a) = a'
- U11(a) = a
- U23( b, c, a ) = c
- g(b, c, a) = S(U23( b, c, a )) = c'
- base step: h( 0, a ) = U11(a)
- induction step: h( b', a ) = g( b, h( b, a ), a )
He arrives at:
- a+b = R2
Read more about this topic: μ-recursive Function
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